Photo by Mykola Sosiukin/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by Mykola Sosiukin/iStock / Getty Images


Hi there.


It all started when…

Picture this. A super spunky 4 year old packed with enough sass and “ I can do anything “ attitude to carry a small village through anything. Now, that said 4 year old picked up a pair of scissors, she’s ready to do work. She’s thinking “ how hard can it be? I just want to see if when I do this… “ SNIP . Whelp , that’s a little lop sided. MEH, she’ll just scrunch her shoulders up so no one realizes how bad it is and that her long hair is now almost up to her chin. It’ll grow back. On to the next !

It did not take long until her Father figured out what she had done. Her reply was as smooth as ever though. Without skipping a beat she looked at him square in the face and said “ WHAT.. I’m going to do this when I get older anyways” and carried on with her day.

Fast forward to her 17 year old self, that same spunky little 4 year old is still alive inside, playing with anyone’s hair she can get her hands on. She even got best hair in her Senior Superlatives - woo hoo ! To her surprise she was also able to graduate early from high school ! She wasted no time to make the decision to enroll ASAP to a local Cosmetology school and start her journey into her career. She took a day off from Cosmo School to go back and graduate high school and soon after that she was off and out in the real world before her friends even finished their first semester in College.


Hi, I’m Carleigh! I’m the spunky little ball of sass, and I am so proud to share with you everything I have learned along the way. My passion for this Industry is scary sometimes, my love for taking care of my guests and appreciation for their connections and trust is even more intense than my passion. I was very fortunate at a young age I knew what I wanted to do, not many people can say that. My Grandfather told me “ if you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life”. THAT. SOUNDS. AWESOME. Why wouldn’t you do that ? It wasn’t easy, I worked several jobs while keeping my eye on the prize. Do hair full time, help others feel good about themselves. That is the goal.. What ever that looked like !

Behind the chair full time, bridal hair full time, education full time. What ever it was, it had to be helping others feel good and help them be the best versions of themselves.

Fast forward to a successful, fully booked stylist (me, duh) and it started to get (gasp!) BORING. So I knew it was time to challenge myself again. Because, if you’re not growing, you’re dying! I decided to take the very scary leap in to opening up my own salon! It was the best, hardest experience I have ever encountered but I am so thankful for it all, the good and the absolute bad. It made me who I am today.

With all those experience and hardships in my career, I was also building a family. As a female business owner, there is a lot of pressure on us to be this super human who knows how to do it all. Well it’s a pile of crap. The trick is, psych! There is no trick! It’s hard, but its worth it. Not forgetting that you are a person outside of being a mom or a business owner. To know that it is possible but the journey doesn’t always look as glamorous as we’d like.

I hope you enjoy this site I have created for you. If you leave with a different attitude on a certain situation , a new trick up your sleeve for your go to hair style, a feeling of relief to know you’re not alone, or even a sweet hair appointment so we could connect in person, my heart would be SO full.





  • Licensed in Both Cosmetology and Barbering

  • Published in Nation wide Colorist magazine 30 Under 30

  • Salon Owner

  • Educator

  • Voted Favorite Stylist in Franklin County

  • Voted Favorite Salon in Franklin County

Get to know me

  • Married to the best Man ever imagined, Jake, while raising 3 Beautiful ( sassy, go figure ! ) Children.

  • Loves to cook, terrible at baking

  • Wears the same 10 things but needs a walk in closet full of clothes ( ya know, just in case someday I want to wear it) .

  • Thinks Naps are life.