Treat Yourself like someone you LOVE.


What does that even mean ?

Treat yourself like someone you love. Hmm. Go on.

I heard someone say this in a Podcast one time. It hit a lot harder than I thought it would.

“Treat yourself like someone you love” . Say that a few times until you really have it settle in to a deep place inside your soul.

What do we do for the ones we love. We put them first We put their needs in front of our own. We go with out so they can be happy. We measure our happiness by how happy we make the people we love.

But what about ourselves? Do you love yourself? If the answer is yes then why aren’t you being selfish and putting yourself first more? Why haven’t you taken that spin class, why haven’t you taken that retreat. Oh, because you have no time because you’re too busy making everyone else happy? WELL LOOK AT THAT. That doesn’t look too much like someone who is treating themselves with the level of love they deserve. WE ALL DESERVE to be selfish. I am giving you permission to give yourself permission to be SELFISH. LOVE YOUR SELF. Love yourself so hard that it radiates the most magical energy out in to the world.

I started being a little Selfish lately and going to this new gym 5-6 mornings a week. Do you know how many people probably look at me like oh how dare she take that time away from her Babies every morning , doesn’t she know she can’t get these times back? She must be there for their every need and want, screw her own. NO. You may think this is a terrible thing to say , and I’m sorry if you don’t agree because that means you have completely lost the idea of you being your own person separate from being a Mother ( #TruthHurts ) , but I have told my Children before , while they’re screaming at me to do this and they need this and they need that, that BELIEVE IT OR NOT MY WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND THEM. Do my kids have everything they have ever wanted and then some? YES. Are they loved so much , doing fun experiences and getting lots of snuggles? ABSOLUTELY. Do I make them WAIT sometimes for things because Mama deserves to do something for herself every once in a while? YOU BETCHA. Are my kids suffering because Mom is a little selfish every once in a while? NO. They literally know no different now, they just say “oh Mama is going to the gym she’ll be back !” Or ” Mama is going to dinner with her Girlfriends , she’ll be home before bed time ! “

We are a better Family because Myself and My husband have given ourselves permission to still be ourselves, still be selfish and still be awesome parents. WE CAN DO IT ALL. It’s allowed, I promise.

Now go out there and take some unapologetic time to yourself. I can’t wait to hear all about it.

