It’s not always easy, but I promise you it’s worth it


Lets see how this goes

Ok, bear with me. I’m new at this ! This first post will be pretty light. Feedback is always welcomed and as we established I love making connections and really feeling like I’ve reached people so please don’t hesitate to even contact me through the contact section privately !

I want to kick this off with a really great, really simple saying that COMPLETELY shifted my Life.

Time for a direction correction.

What does that even mean? IT MEANS WHAT EVER YOU NEED IT TO MEAN. If you’re not completely and utterly 100% happy in your life then is it TIME FOR A DIRECTION CORRECTION. You’ll hear me so often say I am here to help you turn whatever you love into something that will also make you money. And I’ll be the first to say that money is certainly can not buy you happiness ( but it can buy me a boat eh, Chris Jansen? ) but it sure does help waking up and putting in the hard hours when you love what you do.

I took a year off from my Hair Dressing career the year my first Daughter was born. I was such an overwhelmed 22 year old and I just needed some structure in my life so I found a corporate job , Monday through Friday, 9-5 blah blah blah. It was great I loved my co workers ! I loved the simplicity of the schedule- at first. A few months in I found myself talking more and more about hair, doing more and more hair at home, looking up Hair Stylist opening positions. Then I found myself not even trying in the Morning to put myself together. I was just, blah. I wasn’t ME. I realized sure I was good at this job, I could easily make a living doing this, but I wouldn’t be HAPPY. So I asked myself, how can I do this? How can I go back to Hair as a Single Mom ( long story ) with an infant Baby Girl.


No one gets where they want to go all by themselves, are you kidding me ? If they say they do they suck as a person because they’re taking all the credit and leaving all the people they had to step on to get there. I refuse to be that person. My family and friends helped with Baby Girl while I worked weird hours to re build my clientele. IT WAS NOT EASY. I worked a second job bartending when my Daughter was with her Father so I could make ends meet while I built my clientele up again. What did my wild Friday and Saturdays kids free look like? WORK. I worked 9-4 at the salon then 6-2 that night, BOTH days. If you expect to sit on your butt with a “good things will come to those who wait” mentality, you won’t get anywhere. Maybe you’ll get yourself to the grocery store for some Ben and Jerry’s and some discount wine to keep you company while you pout about how much your life sucks and nothing is happening.

Okay I guess I lied when I said this post was going to be light, but I need to get this out there.

MY direction correction was not easy, but it was WORTH IT. Look where I am at now ! I am a Salon OWNER. I am award winning. I am a able to make my own schedule . I have been able to travel and meet so many wonderful walks of Life . All because I decided my time and my life were WORTH fighting for. My happiness was WORTH the risk of losing the cushy desk job where I’d have weekends and Holidays off, paid vacations and a retirement plan, because my quality of life is now priceless. I enjoy my work, I’m GOOD at my work. And thanks to my direction correction, I never have to work another day in my Life.

