Let's stop the battle of comparison.


Let's stop the battle of comparison.

Why. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we think that we must look to our left or right to see if we’re doing it right? Why not look forward and trust your gut that you’re doing exactly what you should be doing at the distinct moment you’re doing it ? WHY DO WE COMPARE ? Did the universe whisper the same dream into their heart that they did yours? Probably not. The reason you’re feeling this particular feeling towards achieving this individual goal is because it is YOUR GOAL to achieve and not anyone else’s. That means it is YOURS. Say that again, “It is mine and no one else’s”. Now, say it until you believe it. Say it until you no longer feel the need to look left or right. Say it until you no longer say, “ well if Susie is doing  it, then so can I”, because you know what? You’re comparing yourself to Susie’s middle , not her beginning. We set ourselves up for failure when we compare. Your beginning will not look like Susie’s middle, or Andrew’s end for two reasons. 1- IT IS NOT YOURS, it is THEIRS. 2- You haven’t even begun ! However, if you have begun and you’re feeling defeated because  you think it looks nothing like, “theirs”, someone else who has done it before you, it’s because they’re not meant to do it your way and vice versa.

Go back to the whisper in your heart. Go back to that, “what if“, question . What if I opened a Salon that had this vibe, what if I started this life style blog / hair care 101 website?  What if… Whatever it may be, a great Business always starts off with a question of, “what if?“ . If we start comparing our what if’s to someone else’s we might as well skip right over the excitement and go straight to the fear that is bound to knock on our door. WHAT IF I FAIL? WHAT IF THEY DON’T LIKE IT. WHAT IF IT DOESN’T LOOK LIKE SUSIE’S.. Susie is successful! Well, YOU are NOT SUSIE . You are you, and if it makes you happy then to heck with everyone else and their opinions.

( sorry if your name is Susie, I’m sure you’re a great person who is absolutely killing it at Life. )