“Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out”

“Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out”

  • John Wooden 

Say that three times fast, eh? After you’re done doing that, sit with that quote. When is the last time something in your life caught you off guard and you were forced to deal with the major wrench it put into your life? Did you immediately think “oh my Lord, how am I ever going to survive this?!” or did you take a moment, embrace the suck, and keep moving forward?

I’ve learned the only constant in life is change. We can’t plan every little detail out in our lives, especially when some of those details require us to depend on other individuals. Being a business owner, a huge part of my success is not what I do, but what my team does; how my team works together, and if my team stays. But life happens! Sucky people happen. My business would crumble if I let every change affect me negatively.  So, what do I do? I adjust my outlook on it. No, I’m not saying you should live in “toxic positivity” land (that is a whole other blog). What I am telling you is to treat those sudden changes in life like a house guest. Allow the feeling (good or bad) to visit your home for a little while, but do not let it live rent free or overstay its welcome. Let it go. Move on. It all is happening to you or for you for a reason. Dwelling in it or playing the “woe is me” card will not get you very far. What will get you through is shifting your perspective to a realistic, ‘can do’, attitude. Don’t let little things define you. Acknowledge it for what it is and Move. On. 

My favorite word to use in any situation I no longer have control over? NEXT. Why give any one person or any one thing one more minute of your invaluable time. Instead, enjoy the fact that sudden shifts in life, whether it is a person or thing leaving, allows opportunity for something else. 

Okay, I’m done rambling. Go enjoy every moment you have left to this day/night/week knowing you will be just fine because you get to do something amazing – you get to choose how to react to anything life throws at you. You get to choose positivity and happiness. 

