Oh, Hey Stranger !

Oh, Hey !

This is such an impromptu post but I just had to come on and say , I’m still alive !

As most of you know, I have taken on the task on creating/relocating not one, but two new Salon concepts ! You heard me talking about one of them in a previous blog post and my apologies for not keeping everyone more updated, its been very busy to say the least !

So here is a little glimpse into what the last few months have been like mentally and physically !

I knew I wanted to create a concept for a full service salon with a healthy , positive environment where every team member could grow into the best versions of themselves for years now . Lots of experiences in this industry pushed me to do so ( read “I am who I have been looking for “ for more explanation ! ) . I was blessed to find a wonderful location in Greenfield , Ma for the birth of Textür Beauty Bar ! All of my dreams are coming true it seems ! I signed the lease on a Friday and wouldn’t you know, the next day I get a phone call about a location in Turners Falls, Ma that they think my new Business Concept , Textür Blow Out Bar would be a PERFECT fit for ! Who do I think I am ? Two businesses at once? pffft. ( Okay, I’ll bite ). When I say it was perfect, I mean it was literally a no brainer , I had to have this space !

I thought about it for a few days, I asked anyone and everyone who would listen if this was a good idea. It was more so my doubt just screaming for someone to tell me all the reasons why I shouldn’t do this . Everyone I talked to was like “ I’m excited for it! If anyone can do it you can ! “ Remember what we talked about in our previous blog " Let’s stop the battle of comparison” where we agreed NOT to let our what if’s turn into fear bearing questions ? ( Yeah, I was in the thick of practicing I preach. ) It wasn’t until a conversation with a dear friend of mine, Aly, that I finally had the courage to take on both locations and business concepts. She told me “ I’m nervous for you, but I’m more excited ! You’re not the type of person who is going to be 80 years old , talking with her Grandkids saying , “ You know, there was this one thing I wish I did. You’re the person who says “ Hey, I tried this thing, and it was cool but it didn’t work out “ or “ I went for it, and you know what, IT PAID OFF ! “ . What is the worst that could happen? It doesn’t work out and you move on? What if it does work. What if you could finally have all of your dreams come true?”

Whoa, right?

But seriously, why the heck not? What is the worst thing that could happen? No one will die ( except maybe a piece of my ego ) . My Family will be okay , I will be okay, the team will be okay if we have to move on from this concept if it does not work ( reminder we’re talking about the new concept , Textür Blow Out Bar. The Beauty Bar is good to go , that baby is my second build out for a salon ! ) but seriously, whats the worst that could happen? People say “ I’m not surprised it didn’t work out , she was too ambitious taking on both places” NEWS FLASH! They’re going to say negative things regardless ! Because I did something they thought was too ambitious. Why is it too ambitious? Why am I crazy? Because I’m going for it? Because I’m doing something that is scary? Because I’m growing and true growth is extremely uncomfortable? Or is it because they are now forced to look in the mirror and say “ well if she can do it, what’s my excuse?” . We all have the same 24 hours in a day. How you choose to spend yours is a direct reflection on you, no one else. I want to nap right now, but instead I’m writing this blog because I choose to do so. And later tonight, when I rest my head on my pillow and give myself grace and gratitude for all the things I’ve accomplished today, I’ll be so happy that I did.

How many of you say you wish you could work out in the AM? You set your alarm, you hit snooze, you sleep in a little bit and now oops, no time to work out. How did you start your day when your day looks like that ? Do you feel good about it? Or do you say “ UGH, I wish I didn’t hit my snooze three times. Now I’m all messed up and now I need to find time later to fit in a work out !” Your day has started with some crappy intention, my Friend. I’m no Saint, I’ve done this plenty of times, trust me ! But taking on these two businesses I have come to terms that I need to start every day with the right intention. I will also end each night with grace and gratitude. I will allow myself grace on things that may have felt ( or still feel ) overwhelming , and I will allow myself to feel gratitude for all I accomplished that day.

For example, I feel gratitude towards my Family and Friends ( clients you’re family now , accept it ! ) who have supported me in this crazy journey I’ve embarked on. I feel gratitude towards the amazing team members , who even though it seems super chaotic right now, see what I’m trying to accomplish here , and support it. They want to be a part of it because they believe in it too. I say a gratitude prayer ( whatever you want to call it, gratitude whatever! ) for each and every one of those individuals. Because without them none of this would be achievable. I allow myself grace for situations where I ordered a sign and I forgot to order a sign bracket ( so annoying ) . I allow myself grace for not getting all of the sanding done I needed to because I wanted to get home to my Family. If you don’t allow yourself grace, you’ll beat yourself up. You’ll throw the towel in and you will never get anything you want out of life that way.

SO. Here we are. In the thick of it. It’s like, really hard. Painting, designing, prepping, interviewing. HOURS and HOURS of work. WEEKS of work all day and put in work at the Salons. Lots of take out. Lots of big sighs and anxiety attacks. LOTS of caffeine. But we’re a week out for both spaces being ready for State board to come in and inspect. You read that right. WE SURVIVED BUILD OUT FOR TWO LOCATIONS (while raising 3 babies and working full time . Oh , and my Husband changed Careers as well during this ) was it hard? Oh yeah. Did I cry? Once. I haven’t slept right in weeks . But, we said our grace and we gave ourselves gratitude and we made it out in one piece. We’re so excited to share with you are special spaces !

People have been confused as to why I named both business concepts , Textür . I did it because I want you to feel like if you’re at either location, you will know it’s one of my spots. You’ll get the same Guest experience, the same environment, the same great outcome. If we open 5 more locations I want you to always know when you walk into any Textür concept , whether it is a Beauty Bar or Blow Out Bar, you’re going to be taken care of and you’re going to have a blast while doing so.

Textür Beauty Bar ( 278 Main st Suite 101 Greenfield, Ma ) will be a full service salon offering hair services, waxing, facials , lash extensions, henna eyebrows , lifts and tints, and massage !

Textür Blow Out Bar (110 Avenue A Turners Falls, Ma ) will be a special space where you can come get your hair styled for a special event, or just because ! We will also offer spray tans and speed glam for those times you don’t want to do your own hair and make up, we can help you out ! We will also being booking weddings, proms and private events along with hosting Girls Night Out events !

Okay, phew ! That one kind of went all over the place. I needed to get that all out and catch you up to speed, while also giving you a dose of WAKE UP and stop telling yourself all the reasons you can’t do something. Look at me. I survived ( so far ! ) and I am about a week out from all of my dreams coming true.

We hope to see you at one of our locations. And if you see me, give me a high five or a hug, I probably need it.

Much love,
