I am who I have been looking for.


I am who I have been looking for.

I am who I have been looking for. Pretty simple statement, don’t you agree? I am who I have been looking for. Are you?

Lets back it up a little bit. When I first came into this field of work I realized that this industry was CUT THROAT. It was every person for themselves and it was a hard pill to swallow! I was NOT that type of person, I was very trusting, I believed people did not have alternative agendas, and I took everyone for their word. Unfortunately that isn’t always the case. People are ultimately out for themselves, and when you’re fresh out of school , eager and willing to do just about anything to be successful, it can be hard to accept the fact that people are NOT who they seem to be.  Owners will do anything they possibly can to get the most money from you, including not paying taxes. Stylists will withhold client messages or pretend the client was a request for them when it was really for you. The list can literally go on. So if you’re new to your line of work I have one piece of advice for you, DO YOUR RESEARCH and know what kind of set up it should actually be. I can only speak really for the Hair Industry so in this case know the legalities of how you should be getting paid, know if you’re on commission, know if you’re entitled to compensation to make minimum wage, BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE because sadly no one will do it for you.  

Although all of this experience seems harsh and unsettling, it made me who I am today. It made me say for years, “I wish I could be that person, the person I wish I had when I was new to this Industry. I wish I had someone who looked out for me“. Well, I’m done saying, “I wish”, and I’m ready to say, “I AM”. I have been playing around with the idea of creating  a healthy work environment for Stylists and others in our industry and that dream is finally coming true. I’m in the process of conquering one of the biggest tasks of my life by opening up a Salon big enough to have several Team Members come along for the ride! Opening a healthy place for people to learn, to grow, to be the best versions of themselves while having the support from someone who only wants to see them succeed, NOTHING more. It’s such an amazing feeling to say,

“I AM WHO I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR”. I am finally that person who I wish I had. I can’t wait to be part of someone’s journey, the beginning and middle chapter of their Career Story, and some their end as well (#WorkWifeForLife). I won’t be bitter, I won’t be that person who hurts and is untrustworthy. I’ll be the Team Leader who you can look back on and say, “wow, she really did help me be best version of myself. If it wasn’t for her I don’t know where I’d be“, and I may be the one who you say, “I loved being a part of this so much I never wanted to leave”. I’m finally who I have been looking for, and I am so excited to be who you have been looking for as well. I’m through with trying to please everyone and be who they need me to be. I owe it to myself to stay true to MY truth, offensive or not, I will stay true to my beliefs in what I believe I can bring to the Universe, and naturally I’ll be able to radiate that energy and education on to like-minded individuals!

Now let’s turn this over on to YOU. Let’s really take a moment and think, “how can I be who I have been looking for”? It’s almost like dreaming up your perfect Client. Make a list, check it twice! There’s ways to manifest yourself into this person. Write down the easiest route to take to achieve your end goal, when you write it down your brain will think,“hey wait a second, I’ve seen this written down somewhere it must exist”! My friends that is how we go from being the journey to being the person you have been looking for. It’s not a version of who you think everyone ELSE wants, that part will come later. Once you’ve become the person you genuinely should be for your own self, you’ll radiate that energy and attract the same Tribe of super amazing humans. How amazing does that sound?!

I’d love to hear your feedback on this exercise. If you’re ready to be who YOU have been looking for, I’m ready to help in any way I possibly can. Shoot me an email, let's be friends, because if you’re taking these amazing steps to better yourself then you, my friend, are someone I want to sit next to.